Monday, August 2, 2010

This Desert Life

Welcome, to beattastic.

If you're wondering how this blog got that am I.

Anyways, because I'm too cheap to talk about modern albums, I'm going to look at one of my favorite not-too-new ones, This Desert Life by Counting Crows.

Are you beginning to notice a trend?

Anyways, This Desert Life.

Now, tell me an original Counting Crows song.

Besides Mr. Jones and Hanginaround.

No, Big Yellow Taxi was originally someone else.

See? Not easy.

First off, I just love the cover and all of the photo artwork for this CD, especially on the cover and Colorblind.

Everybody knows Hanginaround. I love that song. But the other songs on this album are prizes.

Let's go in order.

After Hanginaround comes Mrs. Potter's Lullaby. Again, I love this song. I once rewrote it for my jazz band teacher on his last day.

Good rhythm, good lyrics. Moving on.

Next comes Amy Hit the Atmosphere. A slower tune in contrast to the first two tracks. The part that comes before the chorus always gives me chills.

On to Four Days. I don't hate this song, but I'm not a big fan of it, either. I could go either way.

Then there's All My Friends. There's a word for what the chorus does, sounding like it's major when it's minor, but I can't think of it. Good song.

Up next is High Life. I didn't really like this song to start, but it grew on me. Nice stuff.

Following that is Colorblind. I. Love. This. Song. I even learned how to perform it. The repetition only solidifies it's awesome.

Then comes I Wish I Was A Girl. Not one of my favorites, but an okay song nonetheless.

Next is Speedway. It doesn't really stick in the mind. It's okay, but it's no single.

Almost last is St. Robinson in His Cadillac Dream. One of my favorites. It's got a mellow feel to it that you're used to from the Counting Crows, but it's not sad.

Last is the hidden track, Kid Things. It's got kind of a country feel to it, which is kind of strange to hear. Still, it's a good track.

All in all, buy this album.